Policosanol is a mixture of natural substances extracted from the waxy coating of sugarcane stems and leaves.
In our bloodstream, cholesterol exists in two forms. One is “bad” (LDL cholesterol), in the sense that it can lead to the formation of plaque in our arteries, especially when it becomes oxidised by free radicals. The other is “good” (HDL cholesterol), in the sense that it does not do this but is instead transported to the liver for metabolism or excretion.
About 1/3 of our cholesterol comes from our diet. 2/3 of cholesterol is produced by our own body through conversion of AcetylCoA.
Medical studies* show that Policosanol is a good natural alternative for maintaining healthy cholesterol levels.
Recommended Dosage: 1 Tablet per day, taken daily in the evening or as directed by your Doctor.
Warnings: Always read the label. Use only as directed. If symptoms persist, consult your healthcare practitioner.
* IoannaGouni-Berthold, MD, and Heiner K. Berthold, MD, PhD, American Heart Journal, 2002, 143, pp356-365: Policosanol: Clinical pharmacology and therapeutical significance of a new lipid-lowering agent"
Warnings: This food is not a sole source of nutrition and should be used in conjunction with a nutritious diet and with an appropriate physical training or exercise program. This food is not suitable for children under the age of 15 or pregnant women. It should only be used under medical or dietetic supervision. Keep out of reach of children.